Sunday, May 23, 2010

Green Wave Day 2010

We celebrated Green Wave Day on Friday, 21st of May. This year, we collaborated with the Brownies, as they were also invited to participate in the activity by their Headquarter.

Before the Green Wave Day,the pupil CIP officers and the brownies,together with the SEC members helped out in the preparation of the event during the CCA Day. They prepared plant pots using recycled bottles, followed by adding in soil and Japanese Rose. The plant pots with Japanese Rose will be distributed to all classes on the Green Wave Day. This is to bring the Green message to all pupils through flower planting.

Our Prinicipal, Mdm Ng, and Vice-Principal,Mdm Rahima, together with teachers in charge of SEC and Brownies, as well as the Brownies and other pupils, joined in the watering ceremony about 10am. Mdm Ng, Mdm Rahima and two representatives from the Brownies watered our first Green Wave plant, the Cemai, while others witnessed the event.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Community in Bloom I

This year, we are taking part in the Community in Bloom competition again!

The judge panel visited our gardens(both the new Community Garden and the Science Garden) on 29th April.Our club teachers in charge, together with our Principal,Vice Principal, members of the Parent Support Group as well as the pupil presenters accompanied the panel in visiting our gardens.

The Community In Bloom Awards is a nation-wide biennial community gardening competition to recognise and celebrate good effort and achievements in community gardening. It is also an opportunity to showcase the quality of gardens and level of residents' involvement in greening-up their estates.

Here's the official site: