Sunday, May 23, 2010

Green Wave Day 2010

We celebrated Green Wave Day on Friday, 21st of May. This year, we collaborated with the Brownies, as they were also invited to participate in the activity by their Headquarter.

Before the Green Wave Day,the pupil CIP officers and the brownies,together with the SEC members helped out in the preparation of the event during the CCA Day. They prepared plant pots using recycled bottles, followed by adding in soil and Japanese Rose. The plant pots with Japanese Rose will be distributed to all classes on the Green Wave Day. This is to bring the Green message to all pupils through flower planting.

Our Prinicipal, Mdm Ng, and Vice-Principal,Mdm Rahima, together with teachers in charge of SEC and Brownies, as well as the Brownies and other pupils, joined in the watering ceremony about 10am. Mdm Ng, Mdm Rahima and two representatives from the Brownies watered our first Green Wave plant, the Cemai, while others witnessed the event.


  1. the brownies and our club member are working so hard,they are so teamwork~ haha ^^, hope that we can make our garden more and more beautiful,also hope that more people can join our club~~ >.<

  2. Today, on 24 May 2010, SEC members visited our Community Garden to see our plants wihich were eaten by caterpillars. This morning, Mr Ali, our school gardener, sprayed the insecticide which is called the Neem Solution to chase away the insects such as butterflies and caterpillars. We should refrain from plucking the leaves and harvesting the fruits for the next few days. We also should not touch the leaves and the fruits. After that, we watered the plants using the recycled bottles which were poked with some holes on the caps of the bottles.

  3. It was a good experience to join SEC!We work hard on decorating our school garden but something bad happen in our school garden as that was what Mdm Masnah told us earlier on.Some of us were shock by the incident about many caterpillars were eating our school garden's curry leaves!If the caterpillars kept on eating our school garden's curry leaves,we will have no curry leaves in our school garden and all the butterflies will kept on laying eggs everywhere in our school garden.Our school garden would be filled with butterflies.That's the only ad only shocking news for me in my entire whole life.
